Have you ever decided to try something completely different? We try new things all the time. Small things, big things, everyday things, life changing things. Trying a new restaurant. Taking a different route home from work. Going back to school. Taking on a new job. Starting a family. So many things in life are new to us at one point. Then we get comfortable and those "new" things become part of our world. But when you were faced with something new, did you ever have a talk with yourself about what to expect? Create an entire story in your mind about how things would unfold with this new, and perhaps scary, unknown? I think we have all been there. But, what if you open yourself to having no expectations. Because what if your inner dialog is completely wrong. I learned this at the age of 8. And, I remember it like it was yesterday.
It was late summer, right before school was to start again, and I was playing with my best friend up the street. We were building tents in her basement. The phone rang. It was my mom calling to tell me she got my ballet outfit for my new ballet class starting that coming Saturday. I was so excited. I barely blurted out 'bye' to my friend and I ran out the door, down the street, and straight to my house. I ran as fast a lightning. You see, a few weeks earlier, my mom had asked me if I wanted to try ballet. I said yes. And, this was the day I would get my TUTU!!! Or so I thought. I was dreaming of this moment. Getting my tutu. Starting Ballet. Becoming a princess. Learning to dance as soft as an angel. I had the whole scenario mapped out in my head. I was so excited. So overjoyed.
I ran into the house. My mom was waiting there with the bag from the dance store. We sat down together on the sofa and she pulled out the items: a turquoise leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet slippers. That was it. No tutu. Where's my tutu? Well, my mom had to explain that for ballet class there was no tutu, just a turquoise leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet slippers. My mom must have felt my disappointment. I mean, really, what is ballet without a tutu. Am I right? But, I knew how much my mom had to sacrifice for me to attend ballet. And, she spent her hard earned money for my ballet uniform. So, I still said I was excited and that Saturday I went to my first ever ballet class. When I got to ballet, the first thing I noticed was that no one else had a tutu either. Everyone had their own turquoise leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet slippers. We danced. I learned new things. I had the best time. And, soon I didn't even care about not having a tutu. I was having too much fun and wanted to go back every week.
Sometimes our expectations may help us ease the anxiety of opening new doors. I may never had agreed to trying ballet if I didn't think in my mind that I would be getting a beautiful tutu that day. Sometimes our expectations can trick us and be that little voice in our mind that talks us out of new experiences. I hear this from new students all the time at the studio. Students who are happy to actually come and experience the studio for the first time. Students who seem relieved that the studio is welcoming, friendly, and nothing to fear. Melting away those expectations they had and just being open to the new and unknown.
Hey, if I let the disappointment of my falsely created tutu expectation stop me from going to that very first ballet class, I can't even imagine all the amazing experiences I would have missed out over the years. And, I can honestly say, I have worn hundreds of tutus in the span of my dance journey, and they are completely overrated. (and itchy) lol.
Don't let your own self-created expectations stop you from trying new things.
Be Brave. Be Strong. Explore and Enjoy.
Just my thoughts!
